Friday 12 July 2013


Here's another horrid ‘slice’ of hypocrisy. Examine the attitudes of to the butchery of young boy's genitals, commonly known as traditional circumcision; measured against the response to traditional female circumcision, now called female genital mutilation.
Questions instantly arise…
Why the semantic trickery? Why is circumcision not referred to as male genital mutilation? The number of deaths, disfigurement and long-term physical and psychological damage wrought on the young men more than qualifies the practice as ‘mutilation’. So why genderize it? Simple, by redefining female circumcision as genital mutilation, it suddenly becomes a women’s issue and a ‘further example of female oppression’. Feminism can use this phenomenon to further consolidate women’s status as ‘universal victim’, therefore demand the very profitable support of governments, academia, NGO’s, the WHO and the UN, who provide media platforms and massive amounts of funding for their ‘cause’. It seems that when suffering is concerned, only women are allowed to complain or profit from it. 
So the popular opinion is that women suffer far more from circumcision? Yet, I don't remember the headline that read "FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION SCHOOL LEADS TO DEATH OF THIRTY GIRLS AND HOSPITALIZING OF 300".  Not this year. Not any year.
In South Africa we have a crisis. The headlines which detail this socially sanctioned, organised, large scale, systematic butchery; horrific tales of death, mutilation and tragedy resulting from this so-called cultural practice, arise every year around this time. And how does society respond? In the media, we hear the same justifications espoused by hand-wringing, pinched-faced politicians and journalists:   
·         Oh, well do it in more sanitary conditions...use professionals. 
·         Let's use technology to make it easier and safer to do.
·         Oh, let’s regulate the Circumcision Schools
·         There is a livelihood made in Traditional Circumcision schools.
·         Circumcision is culturally accepted in traditional circles as a rite of passage.
·         There are health benefits.
It suggests the following logic. Circumcision is acceptable as long as or because:
·         we write it into law,
·         we monitor and regulate it,
·         we make an ‘honest’ income out of it,
·         we develop technology to do it better,
·         We claim it as ‘tradition’.
Frequently disputed health benefits aside, if we used the same logic to advocate traditional female circumcision; that is make it legal, regulate it, develop technology to improve it, make money from it, or simply accept it because its tradition, ‘society’ would erupt. The likelihood of an auspicious reception to this line of though, is about as about the same as the likelihood of the mass promotion of men's face creams out of infant female genital offal'. (Oprah seems to think baby foreskin cream is just the thing for ironing out the wear and tear on her face from all those years of laughing all the way to the bank).
A few simple truths:
·         A woman’s perceived or actual suffering is unacceptable.
·         Only women can complain and be heard, and therefore profit from the same.
·         Men or boys must suffer. Their complaints might be heard…sometime…someday…something might be done…unless we can interview the women and girls who ‘suffer’ as a result, and turn the death of a young man from a bleed-out as the result of a penile amputation, into a story about how much his mother suffered.        

Saturday 25 May 2013

Rape vs porn

In response to the 'RAPE-SURVIVOR' WHINING ABOUT PORN- Firstly, sex is not only something men do because they have penis-power issues. Women use sex as a power-tool to influence and manipulate men. Feminists (sexual trade unionists) use propaganda, intimidation, and manipulation of the legal system and academic institutions to extend the reach, power and scope of this primary source of female power. They use language to redefine everything into an offense against the holy feminine sensibility (oxymoron intended).
For example "rape" is turning into a meaningless buzzword; a cynical publicity stunt for attention-seekers and heroic 'survivors'...a twisted badge of honor in the so-called 'war-against-women' which elicits gasps and hand-wringing...some in sympathy or horror, some in rage or outrage, many from sheer exhaustion at being bombarded by messages that male sexuality is equal to rape-mentality and that all men are rapists.

As for porn. Porn is the last refuge of single men who are tired of having to sacrifice their values, friends, family and finances to self-indulgent, entitlement parasite princesses who live off decent men, with one mascara'ed eye permanently scanning for a service provider upgrade (new boyfriend or husband, preferably someone else's...broken in). These ego-bloated bovines expect men bow to their whims and avoid any consequences of their own actions by blaming any short-falls on men/abuse/rape/patriarchy/ insert name here________.

Where have all the "real women" gone? "Porno-land." Bring it on!!"
The next time you ask yourself where all the real men have gone. I can state with relative certainly, that this one GONE GALT.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Only the Right Kind of PC Whiney Victim

In response to > and comments:
  All this talk of enlightenment, tolerance vs prejudice; glowing 'reviews', Oprah-style back-slapping and smug self-righteousness. And then a barrage of admonishments directed towards someone who has an opinion different to yours? Or is his the wrong kind of opinion, a white person commenting about black culture?
Is it enlightened to tolerate only those ideas that make you feel okay? In this politically correct, contemporary self-esteem culture of ours, the answer is mostly yes, and heaven help anyone who even makes a remark that may be construed as discriminatory and is wearing the wrong color birthday suit.
Back to the story...Person X was expressing his opinion, his idea based on what he understood...not enforcing a prescribed definition on this tender ideologue at gunpoint. There is no need to get on a high horse and start screaming for the PC police to come and rescue this virginal soul from X and his X-rated opinions. Instead, would it not be more enlightened to engage X on the issue, assuming that there was no other reason not to remain friends? Does X's opinion, or their 'friendship', even matter...does it have any value other than editorial? I somehow doubt it.

But I digress. My drinking buddy is Fanie, a private school educated, 25 year old Blue Bulls Rugby fanatic, and that in a Sharks Province, nogal!.
He is working on a degree, and is more middle class than I ever was. He is a wit of note and doesn't back down for anyone. I am a typical fat, bald, middle aged smart-ass wading through mid-life crisis. We should have nothing in common. However, Fanie and I like beer, singing karaoke (awfully) and talking rubbish (enthusiastically, especially when we don't agree and end up almost moering each other) at our local dive.
I admire him for one thing, though.

The local black 'in-crowd' look down on him. I have witnessed several heated conversations where they taunt him, sometimes surrounding him, with the alcohol flowing and the danger of blows ever present. They talk down to him because he associates with me and people like me, and because he has no politics, except rugby and his beloved Blue bulls. I have noticed that sometimes, he tries to 're-integrate'...he leaves his 'white friends' at the table to wander and mingle with the locals 'in-crowd' to try and lessen the negative vibes, and abate the stigma he obviously feels. To them, HE is the wrong kind of black. Or does the fact that it is his 'own kind', exhibiting their own brand of prejudice, trying to force their politics and cultural beliefs on him, make it okay?

Monday 22 April 2013


In response to:-
You seem to think that 'teenagers' are simply responding to what they're told by some evil behind the scene malevolence, that they are helpless little robot rabbits in the headlights of the great machine of patriarchy. But have you considered that they are making the decision to do what feels good to them, spontaneously express their pride and joy in their developing bodies? It's not a political statement to put on a bikini and pose on a Facebook page with a 3 point pout. They are the agents of their own hormones, emotions and drives. They aren't activated by 'inappropriate' attention...what they do encourages attention, demands attention, and when it gets attention, why complain? Why turn it into some great slut-saga? Slutty behavior - bolshy, in your face, indecent, crass, aggressive and inappropriate behavior is nothing to celebrate and equating it with healthy teenage sexuality is dangerously misguided. The world of sex is fraught with risk, reward, ecstasy and agony. It brings us moments of peace, clarity and purest joy; as well as hours of angst and sometimes, deepest despair. Why treat it as a problem with some deeper darker root, some hidden history, some sinister significance or political back-story? Let the young folk be. They don't need our paranoia and insecurities souring the sticky sweet and sensuous soup that is Youth's unrestrained joie-de-vivre. They don't care about about the politics of sexuality. Give the youth affection and care, guidance and discipline. They need these yin/yang aspects of love in order to develop into well rounded, strong and tender souls. Teach them about the world as it is, not the world as you believe it to be, or as you're being told by the mass media machine, which is nothing more than a big dumb dog keeping us all up at night.

It is a sign of the times that adults spend a good part of their lives in a constant state of quivering introspection and squint-eyed hand-wringing that would make Gandhi look like a self-absorbed pot-smoker. The problem is really that the human body has become politicized, The LIBERAL Left, those self-proclaimed guardians against intolerance and discrimination, generate the dialectic and concomitant rules as they try to become the new moral arbiters of some fantasized homogeneous 'equal' society. They are trying to engineer the impossible, without acknowledging a single fundamental truth about humanity. It never changes. As the Judeo-Christian son of God is being torn off his cross, his house the church being maligned by a world of vicious malcontents with no other agenda than to watch something sacred destroyed, these acolytes of the new Moral Minority are just as quickly erecting their own monuments and signs in their respective patches of Golgotha. Why change the formula, when you can rename it and claim you discovered it?

Tuesday 26 March 2013

CNN tells us how to go about "Raising a boy not to be a Rapist".

Read article here> "Raising a boy not to be a rapist".

This article is discriminatory against women, implying women are not as capable as men!!!!

Remember, a woman can do anything a man can do, and sometimes, even better.

Just look at the incidents of rape, sexual assault, substance abuse and other antisocial behavior among the lesbian community, detailed in this recent MCASA report(<<click here for rest of report):  

1 - "Lesbians report “physically or mentally coercive sex” more often than gay men. One study found that 31% of lesbians reported forced sexual encounters versus 12% of gay men. “The Gender of Sexuality: The Gender Lens,” P. Schwartz et al., 1998
2 - "Data collected by a California Coalition Against Sexual Assault report and San Francisco Women Against Rape found that 1 in 3 lesbians have been sexually assaulted by a woman, and 1 in 4 have experienced violence within a lesbian relationship.
“California Sexual Assault Report Outlines Alarming GLBT Statistics,” A. Lawlor, 2005.
3 - Young lesbian and bisexual females were four times more likely to have experienced their own peers “attempting to hurt them in a sexual way (i.e. attempted rape or rape),” than heterosexual girls.
“California Sexual Assault Report Outlines Alarming GLBT Statistics,” A. Lawlor, 2005

So, moms, have that chat with your girls now, see, lest they be unable to contain themselves and go on a rape spree, or be witness to one and not report it, therefore condoning it by being complicit in their silence.  
Talk to them now, before its too late!!!

Monday 25 March 2013

A response to an email equating rape and porn, and porn being about penises and power

Dear ‘Raped’ person who is disgusted that a local sex therapist is supporting the introduction of a porn channel of satellite TV, in spite of the fact she herself, was ‘raped’. 
Firstly, sex is not only something men do because they have penis-power issues. This is a neo-Marxist fallacy, sexist propaganda put out by the ultra-left and extreme feminists who want every woman to be able to claim victimhood by virtue of their sex, setting off an unending chain of entitlement and unearned privilege in the name of a morally bankrupt utopian ideal.  They politicise the personal in order to justify the demonization of the male species in favour of the sanctification of the female; both of which dehumanise the parties concerned; and move us closer and closer to totalitarianism; as is clearly illustrated by the current Stazi-style enforcement of the politically correct.  
Secondly, females use sex as currency, used to wield influence over, and manipulate men. Feminists (sexual trade unionists) use propaganda, intimidation & manipulation of state, legal & academic institutions to extend the reach, power and scope of this primary source of female power. They use language to redefine everything into an offense against the holy feminine sensibility (oxymoron intended). For example "rape” and “abuse" are turning into a meaningless buzzwords; cynical publicity weapons for attention-seekers and ‘hero/survivors'. It has become almost a twisted badge of honour in the so-called 'war-against-women', which elicits wide-eyed gasps and much panicked hand-wringing; some in sympathy or horror, some in rage or outrage, many from sheer exhaustion at being bombarded by messages that male sexuality is equal to rape-mentality and that all men are rapists. Using that same logic, it can be claimed that women (except prostitutes), using their sex to their social and financial advantage, can be labelled disingenuous fraudsters, child-hostage-taking, manipulative carnal terrorists; mobsters who should face legal sanction for the havoc they wreak in men’s and children’s lives. But men don’t go that route for three reasons:
1.       We are biologically hardwired to protect women. Our identities are tied in to being able to provide for and protect a family. We enjoy affirmation and emotional nourishment found in a healthy family environment. But this too is changing, as traditional society and the nuclear family unit is suffering the relentless forces of commodification, as well as the misguided social engineering experiments of the extreme left.  
2.       We realise that sex is not the most important issue in the world, and that the world doesn’t revolve around the manipulation of human genitals, forced or voluntary. We have design, art and technology, architecture and other endeavours as outlets for our creativity; and do not simply limit our creativity to our biological capacity to breed.
3.       The backlash against FEMINISM has started. In spite of the heartless, godless, relentless and merciless social and political thrashing men get from the popular media, the state and women they meet whose minds have been further addled by propaganda, we will never whip out the knives because it’s just not ‘sporting’. It’s just not proper, respectful, or appropriate. Even though, if we took the proverbial boxing gloves off, we would probably find ourselves in a much better position to counter rampant misandry.  
Thirdly, porn is one of the last refuges for disenfranchised men who are tired of having to sacrifice their values, friends, family and finances to the unrealistic demands of women; parasitic princesses with one mascara-plastered eye scanning for a service provider upgrade (‘new boyfriend’ or ’husband’, preferably someone else's’ i.e. broken in and probably, a little desperate). These women project their demons onto the male of the species; blaming their every failure and short-fall men/abuse/rape/patriarchy/insert oppressor’s credentials here______________; muddying the waters of society until the finally find themselves ‘abandoned’ with a  clutch of critters and nowhere to go because no-one will put up with them. And they still have the temerity to ask: “Where have all the real men gone?” ?????
Well…I offer this retort---:”Where have all the ‘real women’ gone?”
The answer: "Porno-land."
A great fantasy date is better than a real crap one.

And so it begins

It seems to me that no one is investigating Misandry in the South African media. With this blog, I want to start. These are my beliefs and opinions, some of which might be considered psychological onanism; some of which may constitute useful ideas and new, interesting ways of viewing this hidden, but very serious problem.